Current Research

Striving for progress.


AREF Publications

Martin, S.A., Bosse, J., Wilson, A., Losikoff, P., & Chiodo, L.M. (2018) Under one roof: identification, evaluation, and treatment of chronic hepatitis C in addiction care

Most new hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are among young people who inject drugs (PWID). Less than 5% of PWID with HCV are in treatment for their hepatitis because there are gaps between diagnosis and treatment of HCV. The newer medications for HCV are easier to take, work better, and don't take as long to finish. If we combined HCV treatment with addiction treatment, more people could get medication and be cured.

Martin, S., Chiodo, L., Bosse, J.D., Wilson, A. (2018) The Next Stage of Buprenorphine Care for Opioid Use Disorder: A Narrative Review. Annals of Internal Medicine. 10.7326/M18-1652 

Buprenorphine has been used for more than a decade to treat OUD, but many clinical practices today are not up to date with the science of medication treatment. By making a few small changes in treatment based on the science, providers can help patients be more successful. 

Our Research Interests

Coming soon…

Past Research

2017-2018 — In collaboration with PEAR Therapeutics. Funded by NIH/NIDA.

Developing a Virtual Environment to Enhance Patient Engagement in Peer Support in Opioid Use Disorder. The goal of this project is to develop a virtual-reality environment for facilitating peer support groups to support recovery of individuals suffering from opioid use disorder.

Current Research

2017-2022 — In collaboration with Columbia University. Principle Investigator: A. Robin Williams. Funding Agency: NIH/NIDA.

The goal of this project is to identify patient characteristics and actionable treatment barriers that are independently associated with treatment response and superior clinical outcomes. Results will hopefully inform strategies to improve MAT initiation and retention across substance abuse treatment settings.

2017-2020 — In collaboration with PEAR Therapeutics. Funded by NIH/NIDA.

A game-based intervention for Opioid Use Disorder. The goal of this project is to develop a gamified digital therapy for opioid use disorder that improves patient engagement with treatment.